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Country Snapshot

  • Russia

    In 2005 the US-based Organization Freedom House, classified Russia as "not free" for the first time after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. President Putin is serving his second and last mandate, unless he changes the rules to be reelected...He is accused to control the media and the local governments. The law enforcement system itself is politicized. Growth is 7% per annum and the rouble is stable. In all the major cities, roams a burgeoning middle class with all the involved hullabaloo. At least 5.5 million pople are unemployed, and curruption is practically endemic. I've experienced this myself when I served for the UN in the former Yugoslavia, a former communist country as well.

    Russia spans 9 time zones and has a freezing winters and hot summers, along the Trans-Siberian route. The best time to go is spring, or alternatively autumn.

    Check a brief history of Russia.

    Cinema, Music, Architecture, Literature.
    Check this link on Wikipedia.

    Social do's and dont's. (source Lonely Planet)

    • If you're invited in a Russian home, always bring a gift, such as wine or a cake.
    • Shaking hand across the threshold is considered unlucky. Wait till your full inside.
    • Remove your shoes and coat before entering a house.
    • Once the festivities begin, refusing food or drink can cause grave offence.
    • Traditional gentlemanly behaviour is not only appreciated but expected, as you will notice when you see women standing in front of closed doors waiting for something to happen.

    Business hours. (source Lonely Planet)
    Government offices open from 9am or 10am to 5pm or 6pm, on weekdays. Banks are open from 9am to 6pm from monday to friday. Most shops are open from monday to saturday, although the number of shops open 7 days or for 24/7 are increasing.


    • Hello zdrast-vuy-ti
    • Goodbye da svi-da-ni-ya
    • Thank you Spa-si-ba
    • Help! pa-ma-gi-ti!

  • Mongolia
    This big empty nation is in stark contrast with its bigger neighbors. It has developed an unstable democracy, which is a bonus anyway compared to the communist era ended in 1990. The country's president is Nambaryn Enkhbayar, former prime minister. Although improvemets are evident in the capital, half mongolians don't have access to clean drinking water. In 2004 Mongolia was granted admission to the "Millennium Challenge Account", the US multibillion-dollar foreign-aid programme, a kind of Marshall plan to help low income countries that display democracy and good governance.

    Check a A brief history of Mongolia.

    Cinema, Music, Architecture, Literature.
    Check this link on Wikipedia.

    Social do's and dont's. (source Lonely Planet)
    When meeting Mongolians or visiting a ger (yurt), note the following customs and habits:

    • Don't walk in front of older persons, and never give your back to religious objects until leaving.
    • If someone offers their snuff bottle, accept it with your right hand. If you don't take it, at least sniff the top part of the bottle.
    • Try to keep ger visits to less than two hours to avoid interrupting the family's work.
    • Don't point a knife in any way at anyone; when passing a knife to someone ensure thet the handle is facing the recipient; and use the knife to cut towards you not away.
    • Don't point your feet at the hearth, at the altar or at another person. Sleep with your feet pointing toward the door.
    • If you have stepped on anyone, or kicked their feet, immediately shake their hand.
    • Don't stand on, or lean over, the threshold, or lean against a support column.
    • Don't touch another person's hat.

    Business hours. (source Lonely Planet)
    Government offices and businesses operate on a monday to friday 9am to 5pm basis, often closing between midday and 2pm. In Ulaanbaatar banks are open 9am to 7pm on weekdays and several offer 24h banking. Museums and shops are usually open on weekends and might instead be close on one weekday.


    • Hello sai-bai-na uu
    • Goodbye ba-yar-tai
    • Thank you ba-yar-la-laa
    • Help! tus-laa-rai!

  • China
    China is firmly communist. The president is Hu Jintao and the premier is Wen Jiabao. In the most populated nation on this planet, 94 million people are regularly using a state firewalled (read censored) Internet. The same treatment is reserved to foreign televisions. The Rolling Stones lyrics are filtered too, for example. Dissent is sedated and human rights are interpreted. There are over 56.000 chinese characters, and this might give a faint idea about the complexity, the sheer scale, and the potential of this country.

    Check a A brief history of China.

    Cinema, Music, Architecture, Literature.
    Check this link on Wikipedia.

    Social do's and dont's. (source Lonely Planet)

    • When beckoning to someone, wave them over to you with your palm down, motioning to yourself.
    • If someone gives a gift, put it aside to open later to avoid appearing greedy.
    • Always take off your shoes when entering a Chinese home.
    • When meeting a Chinese family, greet the eldest person first, as a sign of respect.
    • Always present things to people with both hands, showing that what you are offering is the fullest extent of yourself.

    Business hours. (source Lonely Planet)
    Same as Mongolia, with the exception that some branches of the Bank of China are open on weekend.


    • Hello Ni hao
    • Goodbye Zaijian
    • Thank you Xiexie
    • Help! Jiuming a!